Course terms and conditions

CONTRACT TERMS for ongoing children's painting courses, teen painting courses

1. Posts

1.1. Course fee depends on the respective course.

The fee is to be paid monthly in advance, without taking into account hours not attended.h

Payments must be received by standing order on the art studio's account by the 5th of the month. The article takes into account the basic requirements for paper, paint, tools, as well as downtime such as public holidays in BW and school holidays in BW.


Manuela Gagidis art studio

IBAN: 37 1101 0101 5699 5820 87


1.2 Additional costs for complex work methods, e.g. for canvas, dry clay, etc., will arise by agreement and will be communicated to the legal guardians at least 2 weeks before use.

2. Downtime

2.1 Hours not attended by the participant or early departure as well as unforeseeable downtimes or interruptions, for example due to illness, vacation, etc., do not exempt from payment of the fee. In cases of hardship, payment of contributions can be suspended for a certain period of time in agreement with the course management. If you are unable to take part in the painting class, the participant undertakes to inform you as early as possible. If lessons are canceled due to illness of the teacher up to a maximum of one month per year, lessons can be made up in the current courses. If the teacher is unable to attend for a longer period of time, the school will endeavor to find a replacement. If this is not possible, the fee for the missed lessons can be refunded.

Since various painting courses for children and young people are offered during the holidays (Baden-Württemberg holiday schedule), the regular painting course does not take place. If you book the holiday program additionally, participants in the regular painting course receive a 20% discount on the holiday course price.

3. Contract term and termination of the contract

After a trial month, both parties decide whether the class participant will continue the class. If not, the legal representative will inform you in writing. This contract then ends immediately after the end of the trial month without notice. If both parties decide to continue the lessons, the minimum term of the contract is 2 months. Termination must be in writing; an email is sufficient. The termination must be confirmed by the studio. The contractual relationship can be terminated by either party in writing with 2 months' notice to the end of a calendar month.

A creative atmosphere and courteous behavior on the part of the children are prerequisites for successful art lessons. In the painting course, we always strive to integrate all interested children and young people into the group structure and to awaken a deeper interest in the world of art. If, in extremely rare cases, even after prior consultation with the legal guardians, a class participant behaves abusively or hinders the successful art lessons of other participants, we reserve the right to terminate the class without notice.

4. Storage and whereabouts of the works created in class

The works are kept in the painting school and shown and discussed in a presentation at the end of each quarter. Afterwards, some of the works will be taken home.

5. Communication

Communication regarding program changes, innovations, etc. between the artist and the legal representatives takes place primarily via email or WhatsApp. A separate data protection sheet is attached for this purpose.

6. Publication of images

Please cross out what is not applicable in the underlined information.

The pictures my child created during the painting course may be published on the website and on social media, stating the first letter of the first name and the age (e.g.: E. (9 years old)).

Photos from class in which my child is barely visible/back view/indistinctly recognizable as part of a group may be published on the website and/or social media.

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